2017-03-10 11:55:14
[h2]On March 1,2017[/h2]
• If we look at the world with a love of life,the world will reveal its beauty to us.
•Spoken English:
You got it! 好的,没有问题,我这就去做,妥妥的。(同OK,no problem,Sure)
A:I need to go out for a minute. Can you cover me?
B:You got it,Go ahead!
[h2]On March 2,2017[/h2]
•Taking an interest in what others are thinking and doing is often a much more powerful form of encouragement than praise.
•Spoken English:
。。。。if you want 如果你需要的话,如果你想的话。
You sure you can handle it? I can stay if you want.
We can take a break if you want.
[h2]On March 3,2017[/h2]
•You've not obligated to win.You're obligated to keep trying.To the best you can do everyday!
•Spoken English:
be a big fan of someting: fan名词,粉丝,这句话的意思是非常喜欢!
He's a big fan of basketball. He plays it whenever he has time.
I'm not a big fan of rock music.I think it's a little noisy.
[h2]On March 4,2017[/h2]
•Be yourself. The world worships the original.做你自己,这世界崇拜原创性!
•Spoken English:
How was your day? 今天过的怎样?
How was work?工作怎样啊?
A: How was your day?
B: Well,busy as a bee.
[h2]On March 5, 2017[/h2]
Nice to meet you,i think I've seen you around!
Welcome to the neighborhood! 欢迎成为邻居!
Do you know where I can find an internet cafe around heere?
I'll be glad to show you! 我很高兴带你去!
If you need anything ,just let me know!
[h2]On March 6, 2017[/h2]
•Firends show their love in times of trouble.not in happiness.
•Spoken English:
the last thing 最不想做的事情,最讨厌的事情。the last person:最讨厌的人!
He is the last person I wanna see in the world!
The last thing I would do is lie to you!
[h2]On March 8, 2017[/h2]
Today I was fired, I am really bummed out! 我很伤心!
you don't look so well, leave me alone! I just want some peace and quiet.
Let me go! Are you crazy? 让我走,I'll call the police.
What a day! 多么糟糕的一天!
[h2]On March 9,2017[/h2]
Hello,is this Cosmo,是Cosmo吗?(电话用语)
This is Cosmo(我是Cosmo)
sorry,you've dialed the wrong nubmer!
There's nobaody here named Cosmo!
This is ridiculous! Good heavens!
Hello,May I speak with Cosmo? It's urgent(有急事)
You got that? 你听懂了吗?
[h2]On March 10,2017[/h2]
•My motto is: Contented with little, yet wishing for more. 我的座右铭是:为了一点点感到满足,但希望收获更多!
今天学习的的口语是:get to you later. 到达,接触,
I wil get to you later/I will get back to you later.我一会再来找你!
A: Can you check some information for me?
B:Sorry, my hands are full right now.
A:Ok, I will get back to you later.
(My hands is full.我很忙!)
[h2]On March 11,2017[/h2]
•Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.
•Spoken Engilish: I am all for it! 我非常支持,非常赞同!
As a mother, I am all for creating a safe campus environment for our children.
It sounds like a feasible plan,I am all for it.
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